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Bhuwan Sharma

Owner, Business Development & Communications

Bhuwan worked as a journalist in Nepal, India and Singapore for about a decade before relocating to the United States in 2011. In Vermont, he worked with a top community-based organization for about 5 years where he saw a dearth of an employment agency that could connect the growing New American population group with potential employers. He along with Chandra Pokhrel launched BEA in February of 2016 and today the firm sends about 100 people to work every day. Bhuwan is the go-to person at BEA where he oversees, among other things, compliance-related matters, communications and business development.

Chandra Pokhrel

Owner, Hiring & Operations

Chandra moved to the United States in 2008 from Nepal where he was successful businessman running his own cyber café. Since 2010, he worked in one of Vermont’s top community-based organizations that helped refugees and immigrants. This is where he met his business partner Bhuwan Sharma along with whom he launched BEA in 2016. Chandra’s long association with the community organization enabled him to establish robust relationships with community members and leaders, helping BEA take off as soon as it was launched. Chandra’s gentle demeanor and soft-speaking nature draws people to BEA providing an endless pool of workers. At BEA, Chandra mostly looks after hiring and operations.

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